An Unforgettable Evening With Fr Fergus

Well, it certainly lived up to expectations! Fr Fergus spoke about priests and lay people who had resisted Nazism as it tightened its grip on mainland Europe in the 1930’s and 40’s. But this was no dry as dust history lesson. Eloquent, witty, informed and passionate about his subject, Fr Fergus transmitted the stories of […]

14th July, 10.30am – Guest Preacher, Fergus Butler-Gallie

We are extremely fortunte to have the Rev Fergus Butler-Gallie as our  guest preacher on Bastille Day – how appropriate! All are welcome to join us for this service of Holy Communion, and to enjoy refreshments afterwards in the Library. This is a lovely opportunity to chat with our regular members, the chaplain, any visitors […]

12th July, 7pm – Fighting Facism in a Cassock!

A handful of religious people stood tall and met the challenge in World War II in order to fight the good fight and here is an opportunity to learn about these heroe from a renowned author and talented presenter, the Rev Fergus Butler-Gallie. On Friday the 12th of July at 7.00 pm in the library at […]

Easter Sunday Services, March 31st

He is Risen! Join us for our celebration services on this special day.

The events of Holy Week, Jesus’ bitter agony in the garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal, denial, mock trial, scourging, his progress along the Via Dolorosa and his  Crucifixion are all eclipsed by the Resurrection on Easter Day.

Reflection #9 – The Lantern

Gospel of John Chapter 18: 3-5 So Judas, procuring a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, went there with lanterns and torches and weapons. And Jesus came forward and said, “Whom do you seek?” Reflection: Jesus often asked the question “whom do you seek.” He asked it of […]

Maundy Thursday, 6.30pm March 28th

A special moment of preparation and Solemn Evensong Maundy Thursday is the holy day upon which we recount the events around Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and the institution of Holy Communion, recalling his words: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Not only this, but we remember how Jesus took the form of a […]

Reflection #8 – The Spear

Gospel of  John Chapter 19: 34 One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. Reflection: The Church is the Body of Christ. Around the world it continues to be pierced. Our brothers and sisters in faith suffer for the sake of the name “Christian.” […]

Our Holy Week Services

This is the most important time in the Christian calendar. We warmly invite you to join us for our special services to commemorate Jesus’ journey to the cross, the crucifixion and resurrection. Palm Sunday 24th March 10am onwards – starting at St Charles’ Church followed by Sung Holy Communion at St Paul’s Maundy Thursday 28th […]