Prayer Time at St Paul’s

While prayer is a very important part of every Christian’s life and practice, every single person encounters times when they need to turn to God for support, comfort or simply a brief period of peace in a tumultuous day. That is the thinking behind Fr Hugh’s initiative to ensure the church building is open for […]

Centenary Stamp launch – 19th February

St Paul’s will be marking its centenary year with lots of events and activities so watch this space and sign up for updates! The Principality of Monaco has a rich tradition of marking special milestones with the issue of souvenir stamps, and our Centenary will be among the events celebrated in this way. You can […]

Circus Festival & Faith – 20th January 7pm

During the week of Prayer for Christian Unity Monaco will host a service that must be unique to the Principality – the Ecumenical Circus Service. Each year Monaco hosts the International Circus Festival (now in its 47th year) at Le Chapiteau in Fontvielle, and it is wonderful that faith plays a part in these festivities […]

9 Lessons & Carols 2024

On Sunday the 15th of December St Paul’s Anglican Church in Monte Carlo held its traditional 9 Lessons and Carols service in the presence of Their Serene Highnesses Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, in a church that was full to standing room only. In his introductory remarks the chaplain, Fr Hugh, spoke of the need […]

The Career of Douglas Haig – The Commander and the Chaplain

Our thanks to Geroge D Fortune for this report: On Friday 8 November as part of Remembrance, St.Paul’s organised a lecture on FM Earl Haig, who following World War I, divided public opinion. Many held him responsible for the awful atrocities and conditions in the trenches of the Somme, Ypres and Flanders, – while many […]

Advent readings – No. 3

The season of Advent continues with the journey toward Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Advent readings – No. 1

The season of Advent has begun and we have recorded the key readings that relate to the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

A Superb 9th Edition of Handel’s Messiah

Our thanks to Gideon Levingston for this report: Saturday 23rd November saw a most riveting full house performance of the Messiah at St Paul’s. The uncut version being masterfully put together by the orchestral and choir director Errol Girdlestone. The orchestra was drawn from the ranks of the Monte Carlo Opera Orchestra who are full-time […]

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