All Souls Service for Reflection – 7pm Thursday 31/10

At 7.00pm on Thursday 31st October we shall keep the feast of All Souls at St Paul’s, celebrating the great Christian hope of paradise and life eternal and creating space for individual remembrance. This solemn yet uplifting service is open to everyone. Since the Reformation, Anglican tradition has linked the feast of All Souls with […]

Harvest Festival – 20/10

This Sunday at St Paul’s we will be adding traditional Harvest Festival celebrations to our usual service of Holy Communion at 10.30am. As well as giving thanks for the many blessings we enjoy, members of our community, including the British School of Monaco, will again be donating tinned foods, dried goods, plus other non-perishable items […]

Looking Ahead – 2 Sunday Cover Dates and MORE

On October 20th Hugh will be preaching at His Majesty’s Chapels Royal, London.  We are grateful to Canon Julian Sullivan for covering our Sunday services that day.

On November 30th Hugh will be conducting a wedding ceremony in Norfolk. Fr James Finnemore will officiate at our Sunday services.

2 Sunday Cover Dates – 20/10 and 30/11

On October 20th Hugh will be preaching at His Majesty’s Chapels Royal, London. We are grateful to Canon Julian Sullivan for covering our Sunday services that day.

At the end of November Hugh will be conducting a wedding ceremony in Norfolk. Fr James Finnemore will officiate at our Sunday services.

October 13th – A Very Special Confirmation Service

Our Holy Communion Service on October 13th will be a very special one indeed. Over the last few months, Hugh has been guiding 15 candidates for confirmation. This is the moment when the candidates will, as adult Christians, make a personal commitment to follow Christ, building on the promises made on their behalf at Baptism. […]

6th October Services – Exonian Choir

On this date we are privileged to have the fantastic voices of the Exonian choir to inspire us during our 10.30am Holy Communion Service and 3.00pm Evensong Service. This London-based choir is made up of formal choral scholars from Exeter College Chapel, Oxford University, and beyond. Under the directorship of Tim Muggeridge, this group has […]

September 22nd – 150th Anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s Birth

We are delighted to welcome members of the Churchill family at our service of Holy Communion at 10.30am on September 22nd 2024. All are invited to share in our worship and to give thanks for a truly remarkable life that left its mark on the global stage. While most are familiar with Churchill’s service as […]

8th September Special Choral Evensong to Commemorate the King’s Acession Day

Starting at 6pm, this special service will packed with beautiful sacred music spanning more than 250 years. Come and see why St Paul’s has such an enviable reputation for music that moves and refreshes the soul.

The programme includes pieces arranged by our Musical Director, Errol Girdlestone:
Preces and Responses sung to a setting by Richard Ayleward (1665-1669)
Psalms 149 and 150 sung to chants by Errol Girdlestone
Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis by Robert Cooke (1768-1814)
Anthem “Happy & Blest Are They” from the Oratorio St Paul by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
During the service a new Branch Standard will be dedicated, and the Branch Standard Bearer charged with its safekeeping. There will be hymns, readings along with the Exhortation, Last Post and Reveille.

Refreshments will be served afterwards in the English Library. Everyone is welcome to the service and the Chaplain would be very happy to talk to anyone interested in joining the Nice -Monaco Branch of the Royal British Legion.

Re-dedication of The Lady Chapel

The Chaplain was anticipating a small number to attend the service of rededication of the Lady Chapel, following its recent restoration works. In the event nearly 50 people were in St Paul’s and became part of this ecumenical gesture. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Monaco dedicated the Chapel with incense and holy water and preached […]

Well I Never Knew That! #1

Our Chaplain’s energetic tidying and research have uncovered many fascinating facts about St Paul’s history. We’re sharing these in a series of posts,  starting with: When St Paul’s was consecrated in 1925 the Church was gifted the alms bags and linen from Queen Victoria’s private chapel in Nice. Where are they now, I wonder? The […]