On Sunday the 15th of December St Paul’s Anglican Church in Monte Carlo held its traditional 9 Lessons and Carols service in the presence of Their Serene Highnesses Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, in a church that was full to standing room only.
In his introductory remarks the chaplain, Fr Hugh, spoke of the need for Christian love in a darkened world and went on to pray for the peace of the world. Readings from the Bible, that recount the Christmas story, were led by members of the church family, with a special guest reader, His Excellency, Monsignor Dominique-Marie David, Archbishop of Monaco.
Familiar carols were sung along with pieces of sacred music performed by the choir, as chosen by the Director of Music at St Paul’s, Mr Errol Girdlestone. These included works from Rutter, Jacques, Willcocks, Cornelius, Britten and a deeply moving rendition of Minuit Chrétiens led by St Paul’s very own soprano, Felicity Murphy.
The final Benediction was followed by a warm and lively gathering in the English Library that enjoyed refreshments arranged by the Church Council augmented by a great deal of joyful laughter and happiness.

All photo credit to ARBEE PHOTOGRAPHY