Pot Luck Lunch

On February 23rd, straight after the morning service, 37 members and friends of the congregation, plus three standing room only, partook of a delicious lunch of home-made lasagne, in the first of Pot Luck Lunch in aid of our Centenary Appeal fund. The lunch, prepared by Alison and Helen Henry was a delicious home-made lasagne, […]

Centenary Evensong

A congregation of some 90 people attended a service of Evensong on Wednesday 19th February to mark the Consecration of St Paul’s Church on that exact day in 1925. M. Beffre, the Minister of the Interior represented the Government, along with Eric Blair, the Honorary British Consul and M. Jean d’Haussonville the French Ambassador to […]

Prayer Time at St Paul’s

While prayer is a very important part of every Christian’s life and practice, every single person encounters times when they need to turn to God for support, comfort or simply a brief period of peace in a tumultuous day. That is the thinking behind Fr Hugh’s initiative to ensure the church building is open for […]

Bears to Africa with Mission En France

Mission En France is a humanitarian charity which in 2023 dedicated 99.19% of its funds to humanitarian efforts in the field. This is possible thanks to the support received from the Government of the Principality of Monaco and the support of its private patrons. As a result, Mission En France can adapt the deployment of […]

Byzantine Rite

On the evening of 2 February the Chaplain of St Paul’s Anglican Church was invited to attend a Candlemas service of the Byzantine Rite at St Charles, Monaco. The Holy Communion service was officiated by the vicar of the eparchy of Baalbek in Lebanon and was set to sung liturgy in French, Arabic and Greek. […]

St Vincent de Paul Donation – Prayer Bears

The Chaplain was very pleased to present the Society of St Vincent de Paul with a cheque for two thousand euros (photograph). The money was raised via sponsorship of Centenary Prayer Bears. The Society was immensely grateful for the difference this will make in their work with the homeless and vulnerable along the Riviera.  The […]


The O’Learghusa chalice, sold in 2021 as ‘an exceptionally rare Irish silver-gilt chalice, circa 1480’, came to  Monaco for display at the Princess Grace Irish Library on January 22, 2025, for one evening only, following its recent use in mass at the Prince’s Palace.  It was a real privilege to have this sacred item brought […]

Ecumenical Service

This unique service took place on Monday the 20th of January in the big tent at Fontvieille. Many more people attended this year than in previous years, despite the most awful weather conditions. Led by the Catholic Archbishop of Monaco, His Eminence Archbishop Dominique-Marie David, alongside representatives of the Lutheran, Greek Orthodox, and Protestant Churches, […]

Battle on the High Seas: The Bearn’s Trafalgar Night Extravaganza!

In the spirit of Trafalgar and with the gusto only worthy of His Majesty’s Royal Navy, the St Paul’s community gathered on the 31st of January 2025 for a rollicking evening of maritime merriment. With sails unfurled and cannons (metaphorically) blazing, four plucky teams took to the stage, each determined to emerge victorious—battling not just […]

February and March services

To celebrate our Centenary year, St Paul’s has organised a year of special services and events. All are welcome to join the 100-year celebrations. The fixtures for February and March can be found below, but stay tuned as more events are being planned. Our regular services will still be taking place and more information about […]

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