This edition of Looking Back in Time contains articles from as far back as St Paul’s predecessor, St Cyprian. Read on to find out more about St Paul’s rich history on the Cote d’Azur and do get in touch with the Chaplain if you can shed light on any of the historic articles found below.

Here is an original painting for proposed windows in the west end.
St Paul’s is fortunate to have a magnificent collection of stained glass windows that depict key aspects of Christianity including, of course, the life of Jesus Christ.
Today, the west end of the church features five stained glass windows in a different design…and we think they were accidentally installed back-to-front because Jesus is giving a blessing with his left hand – unheard of!
St Cyprian’s church was the predecessor to St Paul’s and was demolished after the First World War. Various artefacts were transferred from St Cyprian’s to St Paul’s, such as Eva Stanhope’s 1908 confirmation card, shown here.
Granddaughter of Charles Stanhope, 7th Earl of Harrington, Eva later married Betram Marion Crawford who was born in the same year – did they first meet at the church?
If you know anything more about Eva or have more inforaiton and any photos relating to St Cyprian’s, get in touch with the Chaplain.

An invoice for church supplies has also been found in St Paul’s archives. The invoice appears to be from and Italian firm, Tanfani & Bertarelli, which is thought to have been a silverware merchant and also supplier to the Vatican. According to other sources, Tanfani & Bertarelli is still in existence under the name Ditta Augusto Casazza and still supplies the Vatican.
If you are able to decipher the invoice, please send the chaplain a message.
Over St Paul’s 100-year history, several chaplains have ensured that regular Anglican worship has taken place in the Principality. Four photos have been found of former St Paul’s chaplains and we would like to achieve a complete photographic record of these faithful servants.
If you have any photos of former chaplains, please get in touch.

Do you know anything else about these events or do you have your own records that you would like to add to the archive?
Get in touch with the chaplain