14th February 6.00pm Ash Wednesday service of Said Holy Communion which is the start of Lent – all are welcome

18th February 10.30am – Our guest preacher will be Mr. Bradley Smith, Chairman of the Prayer Book Society

Lent Course

A short series of 4 informal discussions led by the Chaplain. Simply turn up at the church and enjoy refreshments at St Paul’s House afterwards.

21st February 6.00-7.00pm –  A Tour of St Paul’s – What Don’t we See?

28th Feb 6.00-7.00pm – Who is Jesus?

6th March 6.00-7.00pm – How to read the Bible?

13th March 6.00-7.00pm – How do we pray?

Holy Week 

24th March – Palm Sunday 

28tth March – Maundy Thursday

29tth March – Good Friday

29tth March – Easter Sunday