During the week of Prayer for Christian Unity Monaco will host a service that must be unique to the Principality – the Ecumenical Circus Service.
Each year Monaco hosts the International Circus Festival (now in its 47th year) at Le Chapiteau in Fontvielle, and it is wonderful that faith plays a part in these festivities too!
His Excellency Monseigneur Dominique-Marie David, Archevêque de Monaco, those responsible for Christian churches in the region and Don Luca Favretto, délégué pour l’œcuménisme et le service diocésain will be present at the service which begins at 7pm on Monday 20th January.
Admission is free so don’t miss the chance to experience the combination of performances by the elite of the circus world, interspersed with bible readings and prayers.
The festival itself, under the high patronage of HSH Princess Stephanie, is a marvellous and memorable opportunity to see the best artists in the world so do go!