12th July, 7pm – Fighting Facism in a Cassock!

A handful of religious people stood tall and met the challenge in World War II in order to fight the good fight and here is an opportunity to learn about these heroe from a renowned author and talented presenter, the Rev Fergus Butler-Gallie. On Friday the 12th of July at 7.00 pm in the library at […]
The Chaplain goes on Leave 11-29 August

After Holy Communion on August 11th Hugh and Alison will depart for a well-earned break. In Hugh’s absence we warmly welcome the Reverand Andrew Taylor who will be known to many as a locum at St Paul’s in years past.
For those who don’t yet know Andrew, he is the Chaplain at Regents Park College Oxford and has a great interest in GB Olympic rowing.
During the service a new Branch Standard will be dedicated, and the Branch Standard Bearer charged with its safekeeping. There will be hymns, readings along with the Exhortation, Last Post and Reveille.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the English Library. Everyone is welcome to the service and the Chaplain would be very happy to talk to anyone interested in joining the Nice -Monaco Branch of the Royal British Legion.
30th June Choral Evensong – Feast of St Peter & St Paul

Starting at 6pm, this special service will packed with beautiful sacred music spanning more than 250 years. Come and see why St Paul’s has such an enviable reputation for music that moves and refreshes the soul.
The programme includes pieces arranged by our Musical Director, Errol Girdlestone:
Preces and Responses sung to a setting by Richard Ayleward (1665-1669)
Psalms 149 and 150 sung to chants by Errol Girdlestone
Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis by Robert Cooke (1768-1814)
Anthem “Happy & Blest Are They” from the Oratorio St Paul by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
During the service a new Branch Standard will be dedicated, and the Branch Standard Bearer charged with its safekeeping. There will be hymns, readings along with the Exhortation, Last Post and Reveille.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the English Library. Everyone is welcome to the service and the Chaplain would be very happy to talk to anyone interested in joining the Nice -Monaco Branch of the Royal British Legion.
22nd June Laying Up of Old Royal British Legion Branch Standard

At 3.00pm on Saturday 22nd June a unique service will take place at St Paul’s – the ceremonial Laying Up of the old Nice-Monaco Branch Standard of the Royal British Legion. Nothing similar will have taken place in the region since 1929 when the standard was first dedicated only ten years after the end of World War One.
During the service a new Branch Standard will be dedicated, and the Branch Standard Bearer charged with its safekeeping. There will be hymns, readings along with the Exhortation, Last Post and Reveille.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the English Library. Everyone is welcome to the service and the Chaplain would be very happy to talk to anyone interested in joining the Nice -Monaco Branch of the Royal British Legion.
Lady Chapel Re-dedication 6th June
Lady Chapel Re-dedication 6th June Thursday June 6th at 6pm we will hold a service of re-dedication to celebrate the restoration of the Lady Chapel. The following work has contributed to refreshing this beautiful, prayerful space: artisan restoration of the window, repainting of the ceiling and re-polishing of the marble floor and wood panelling. The […]
Visit to the Glass Artisan Studio

The work on the Lady Chapel window is in the capable hands of expert artisans who have worked on very prestigious projects at religious sites across France. A recent visit to their studio revealed the care and thought that goes into each restoration, as well as their skills in glass cutting, painting, aging, and creating the framework to hold each piece in place. The Chaplain was thrilled to try his hand at glass cutting!
Christian Courses for 2024
The exploration of our faith and traditions can play an important part in our Christian Journey, especially when we explore in a relaxed group and feel able to ask questions. The first course about Christian Basics will begin in February and you can access details of dates and topics HERE. Look out for news about […]
Launch of Centenary celebrations 29th October
Launch of Centenary celebrations 29th October
10.30am Holy Communion Service with The Lord Chartres as the special guest preacher
Ash Wednesday – The Start of Lent
On February 14th at 6.00pm the said service of Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes will take place at St Paul’s. The tradition of signing the cross on the forehead at the beginning of Lent goes back many centuries in the mainstream history of the church. This is both a moment of solemn personal reflection […]
Remembrance Sunday 12th November
Remembrance Sunday 12th November
10.30am Remembrance Service at the Churchill Memorial (NOT Holy Communion)
4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer