Reflection #1 – The Cockerel

Gospel of Luke Chapter 22:60-62 And immediately, while he was still speaking, the cock crowed. And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the cock crows today, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. […]

Christian Courses for 2024

The exploration of our faith and traditions can play an important part in our Christian Journey, especially when we explore in a relaxed group and feel able to ask questions. The first course about Christian Basics will begin in February and you can access details of dates and topics HERE. Look out for news about […]

Lent Reflections with Hugh

Have you ever noticed the symbols on the panelling behind the altar? Do you know what they signify? Each carving relates to a stage of the Passion of Jesus, and our Chaplain, Hugh, has used these as the foundation for creating moments of prayerful pause  during Lent. The programme features these symbols grouped into 9 […]

Evensong at St Paul’s

Sunday 18th February 4.00pm Evensong We are delighted to announce that St Paul’s will be holding 6 very special Evensong services throughout 2024, with professional singers presenting sacred music for worship, reflection and joy. The first of these special services will take place on the first Sunday of Lent – the 18th of February at […]

The Chaplain’s Book for Lent

There are an array of books available for Lent. Might I suggest for 2024 The Folly of God – A Journey of The Cross, A Path to Light based on the art and inspiration of Sieger Koder? Koder was born in Germany and served in the Second War and as a prisoner of war between […]

Ash Wednesday – The Start of Lent

On February 14th at 6.00pm the said service of Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes will take place at St Paul’s. The tradition of signing the cross on the forehead at the beginning of Lent goes back many centuries in the mainstream history of the church. This is both a moment of solemn personal reflection […]

Guest Preacher – Bradley Smith of the Prayer Book Society

Sunday 18th February 8.00am Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am Sung Holy Communion with Guest Preacher (followed by refreshments in the Library) 4.00pm Evensong We are delighted to welcome Bradley Smith, President of the Prayer Book Society, as our first guest preacher of 2024 at our Sung Holy Communion service at 10.30am. Bradley […]

Remembrance Sunday 12th November

Remembrance Sunday 12th November
10.30am Remembrance Service at the Churchill Memorial (NOT Holy Communion)
4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer