Kermesse – Saturday 7th December 10-1600hrs

Can you believe it’s that time of year already?! Come on down to the Chapiteau in Fontvielle on December 7th to the Kermesse and help raise money for the good works of Monaco’s parishes…and grab yourself a bargain or tasty goodies. As usual, St Paul’s will be looking after the coffee and cakes, plus a […]
October Musical Outreach #2 – The Danish Boys’ Choir

The Frederiksborg Danish Boys’ Choir provided a wonderful array of both church choral and traditional folk music that was a real treat – a repertoire that was greatly appreciated by everyone who heard it. The boys and men that make up the choir travelled to Monaco via a packed train from Nice and after an […]
October Musical Outreach #1 – The Exonian Choir

The arrival of the alumni choir of Exeter College Oxford on October 6th added to the expanding repertoire of sacred music offered to the Glory of God at St Paul’s. It all began with a conversation between the Chaplain and one of his former altar servers, Miss Zoe Jackson. The result? A Church resounding with […]
St Paul’s Choral Evensong for Armistice – 7pm Monday 11/11

Preces and Responses – William Smith Psalm 61 Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis – Stanford in G Anthem – And I saw a new Heaven (Edgar Bainton) Hymn – The Supreme Sacrifice All are welcome to this special commemoration service
All Souls Service 2024

On Thursday 31st October people gathered for the All Souls service at St Paul’s, the first for many years. The hand-picked choir performed 5 pieces selected for the occasion, including some very challenging works, that provided an uplifting backdrop for reflection on the lives that have touched ours. Father Hugh, our Chaplain, had selected appropriate […]
Centenary Launch Event – 30th September

The Metropole gathering to launch our programme of events and projects to mark the Centenary of St Paul’s was graced by the presence of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II. Christian witness in the service of the Principality is the chief aim of the Church and thanks were expressed for the continued support of the […]
Harvest Donations Delivered!

St Paul’s Harvest Festival Service once again proved to be a wonderful gesture of thanks to God for all of the material blessings and comforts we enjoy. Better still, your generous donations generated a bumper collection of food and other useful supplies for families and individuals in need. Father Hugh and members of the congregation […]
All Souls Service for Reflection – 7pm Thursday 31/10

At 7.00pm on Thursday 31st October we shall keep the feast of All Souls at St Paul’s, celebrating the great Christian hope of paradise and life eternal and creating space for individual remembrance. This solemn yet uplifting service is open to everyone. Since the Reformation, Anglican tradition has linked the feast of All Souls with […]
Confirmation – 13th October 2024

On the 13th of October the Lord Chartres GCVO confirmed 12 candidates into the Church of England. The age range of the candidates, the youngest was 10 and the eldest was 75, showed that individuals are moved to commit to faith at any stage of life. This deeply prayerful and significant occasion was underpinned by […]
The Churchill Weekend – 22nd September 2024

The Churchill weekend, as it is now known, evolved from a conversation between the Chaplain and Randolph Churchill at St Jean Cap Ferrat, following the unveiling of a magnificent bronze of Sir Winston Churchill by the artist Paul Rafferty in 2023. The weekend began with a reception for members of the Churchill family at St […]