October 13th – A Very Special Confirmation Service

Our Holy Communion Service on October 13th will be a very special one indeed.

Over the last few months, Hugh has been guiding 15 candidates for confirmation.

This is the moment when the candidates will, as adult Christians, make a personal commitment to follow Christ, building on the promises made on their behalf at Baptism.

It is so exciting to see the St Paul’s church family growing in this significant way, attracting people to Christ through fellowship, kindness and a sense of community.

What a blessing!

Bishop Lord Chatres will conduct the confirmation service in what is sure to be a moving and inspiring moment of witness and welcome.

Please join us as we support our confirmation candidates at this special moment.

If you are over the age of 11 you too can ask to be confirmed. Find out more here or contact chaplain@stpaulsmonaco.com