A congregation of some 90 people attended a service of Evensong on Wednesday 19th February to mark the Consecration of St Paul’s Church on that exact day in 1925. M. Beffre, the Minister of the Interior represented the Government, along with Eric Blair, the Honorary British Consul and M. Jean d’Haussonville the French Ambassador to Monaco.

The Procession into Church was led by the Proto Cross carried by Mr Nick Birnie, followed by Pastor Hans Hernberg of the Swedish Lutheran Church, the two Churchwardens, Mrs Patricia Groom and Mr Russell Crump and our Chaplain, Fr Hugh. The service followed the order from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and included the hymns Father hear the prayer we offer and For all the Saints. Psalms 98 and 100 were sung under the musical direction of Mr Errol Girdlestone. His Centenary Anthem, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” was sung for the first time.

The Chaplain rededicated the maquette of St Dévote and in his sermon reminded the congregation that every aspect of Church life should point towards Jesus. Following the service refreshments that were entirely funded by Mr Simon Groom and Mrs Patricia Groom were served in the English Library. They also generously made presentations to Mr Errol Girdlestone and Mrs Alison Bearn. The Chaplain also presented a Centenary First Day cover depicting St Paul’s and a quotation from the Bible to M. Beffre. A thoroughly happy time was enjoyed by everyone present with a sense of thankfulness to God for the many blessings that he has showered on St Paul’s over the last 100 years.

A.N. Onimous


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