To celebrate our Centenary year, St Paul’s has organised a year of special services and events. All are welcome to join the 100-year celebrations. The fixtures for February and March can be found below, but stay tuned as more events are being planned. Our regular services will still be taking place and more information about these can be found here.

Centenary of the Consecration of St Paul’s Anglican Church Monte Carlo – 19 February 7pm

A traditional evening service will take place to mark 100 years to the day of the consecration of St Paul’s. This memorable service will feature hymns, Bible readings and the sung Centenary Anthem that has been commissioned by the Church Council. Refreshments will follow the service in the English Library below the Church. Everyone is welcome to celebrate this special day for St Paul’s.

Pot Luck Lunch – 23 February after HC

The Church Council is pleased to announce that St Paul’s will be offering a series of ‘pot luck’ lunches in 2025 to raise funds for our Centenary Restoration Fund, alongside enjoying extended fellowship after Church and good food. The suggested minimum donation is 25 euros for adults, 10 for children. It will take place in The Library and there is a limit on numbers so tickets need to be purchased in advance to secure your place – tickets will be available to buy from 26 Jan.

Sung Holy Communion with the Signing of the Cross5 March 7pm

To mark the start of Lent in the Christian calendar, St Paul’s will be holding a sung Holy Communion service with the Signing of the Cross. During the service the Imposition of Ashes will be performed.

Reverend Canon Huw Thomas preaching – 30 March 10.30am

Revd Canon Huw Thomas was awarded the Cross of St Augustine for outstanding and selfless service to Churches of the Anglican Communion. His career has seen him laying the foundations for tremendous church growth in Sudan following a visit to Addis Ababa to respond to pleas by Sudanese refugees for support for establishing Anglican congregations in Gambella. In 1997 be was called to be Provost of All Saint Cathedral in Cairo from where he continued his work to support Sudanese refugees. After returning to the UK at the age of 70, he continued his support for the Anglican Communion in northern Africa. We are excited to announce that Revd Huw Thomas will be a guest preacher during the Holy Communion service on 30 March.

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