Christian Courses for 2024
The exploration of our faith and traditions can play an important part in our Christian Journey, especially when we explore in a relaxed group and feel able to ask questions. The first course about Christian Basics will begin in February and you can access details of dates and topics HERE. Look out for news about […]
Ash Wednesday – The Start of Lent
On February 14th at 6.00pm the said service of Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes will take place at St Paul’s. The tradition of signing the cross on the forehead at the beginning of Lent goes back many centuries in the mainstream history of the church. This is both a moment of solemn personal reflection […]
Lady Chapel Window Restoration Begins

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Icon Restoration
We are excited to announce that the expert restoration of this beautiful icon will take place on January 15th and 16th 2024. Look out for our interview with the artisans and images from this sacred project. This is just one of the activities we are undertaking in our Centenary journey – paying respects to our […]