Sunday School enjoyed a busy Advent season, learning about the preparations for Christmas and key people in the story of Jesus’ birth. We also made a herd of donkeys and learnt the words to the song Little Donkey in anticipation of a memorable Christingle play. And so it was…always joyful, chaotic and somewhat under-rehearsed, the children – and Maria – put on their play, sang songs and welcomed a special guest in Father Christmas, who happily received their gifts for needy children in exchange for the Christingle. We had a great congregation and a huge haul of gifts, which we were very thankful for. They were distributed post haste by Fr Hugh to Habitat et Humanisme (RIP President Carter), who were thrilled with them. Special thanks to a number of people, specifically Maria and Arthur for being such good sports, our guest pianist Debra Trattner, and narrators Julia and Crane. Thanks also to the British School of Monaco for their generous gift giving, to our parents and supporters likewise and to the wonderful Sunday School children, big and small, or rather small and smaller, for adding so much to our Church community. Happy New Year!